Saturday, October 28, 2006

Add frequency to the lirc.conf

I was lucky to find appropriate remote file on for my Onkyo receiver. One needs to add frequency statement to /etc/lircd.conf though, to make it useful for transmitting (some files have it, but my Onkyo had not).
Rough idea of the frequency can be gotten by running a learning session
# irrecord -l test.conf
I have got a non-working file out of learning session, but it had frequency it it.
Then, pick correct frequency number out of the list, or just round the found value up and use it in lircd.conf .

- Insert this line in /etc/lircd.conf
frequency 38000
- Now, this command worked (from tools directory):

./irsend SEND_ONCE Onkyo_RC-632M VOL+

Unfortunately, if irsend is invoked often enough (more than once a second or even second-and-half), lircd would die. Probably, it will have to be started from inittab because of this

USB-UIRT with Lirc 0.7.1

There's a HOW-TO on USB-UIRT forum -> Installation. It's not 100% correct, but gives an idea

-download and extract lirc-0.7.1
-apply a third-party patch lirc-0.7.1-usb_uirt patch
# tar xvfj lirc-0.7.1.tar.bz2
# cd lirc-0.7.1
# bzcat ../lirc-0.7.1-usb_uirt.patch.bz2 | patch -p1

- Fix a bug in the patch by commenting out the 55-th line in the deamons/hw_uirt2usb_raw.c
[root@fedora daemons]# diff hw_uirt2usb_raw.c.orig hw_uirt2usb_raw.c
< debug =" 3;"> //static int debug = 3;

- Run configure:
./configure --with-tty=/dev/ttyUSB0 --with-x --with-syslog --with-driver=usb-uirt2_raw --with-major=61 --with-port=none --with-irq=none "$@"

- It should build fine then with make. Sometimes, configure produced wrong Makefiles with tag=CC entries in them. I was lucky to have one attempt free of that, no idea why this was happening. (update: one can run libtoolize --force before configure)

lircd is in daemons directory
.#./lircd -H uirt2usb_raw -n -d /dev/ttyUSB0

current USB-UIRT on Linux - can't send

lirc 0.8.x (up to today's CVS) could receive, but not send (sending is the main purpose of UIRT, isn't it? ).

This is the way to invoke lircd to work with USB-UIRT. One needs NO lirc_* kernel modules for that. Fedora recognized the device out of the box, and created /dev/ttyUSB0 for it.

[root@fedora html]# lircd -n -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -H uirt2_raw

Friday, October 27, 2006

SoftSqueeze on Linux

queeze]# cat RUN

if [[ -z "$DISPLAY" ]]; then
/usr/java/jre1.5.0_06/bin/java -Dslimserver=l440gx -Dskins=headless -jar SoftSqueeze.jar
/usr/java/jre1.5.0_06/bin/java -Dslimserver=l440gx -jar SoftSqueeze.jar

NB: SoftSqueeze source is availalbe. Will see if it can be tought to play DTS WAV files correctly... As is, it garbles DTS, probably tries to change volume ?